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"The touch of four thoughts"


Body is a medium that is always present. The artsists played with reasoning, vulnerability and audience susceptibility.
By trying to give sense to the way of how an exhibition is made and presented, the questions that rose were: does an artist create an exhibition to present it separately from herself or can the artist also be the exhibition?

This lasting performative act played with the body, the virtual self and the way we experience space. We locked ourselves in the gallery for four days. The audience can listen and think along with the everyday thoughts and feelings of four female artist’s. At the same time the viewer receives an anonymous position, because the artists can't know if there is anyone listening behind the wall.

With Sarah Nõmm, Sofia Fattahhova and Lisette
A durational performance taking place four days in
a row. Four projections on polystyrene wall,
broadcasting the performance that took place right
then and there, on the other side of the wall.

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